Medicine & Liberty : Network of liberty oriented doctors

Medicine & Liberty
Sentier de la Tour-Carrée 9
CH-1800 Vevey - Switzerland
Tel & fax: 41 21 922 60 82

Dr Hendricks Seminars

Dr Hendricks International Seminars for Medical Students and Medical Graduates

Objective: This Medicine & Liberty project is designed to introduce medical students and young physicians to Randian ideas on individual liberty and on the role of the physician and of the scientist in a free society.

Background: In the final chapters “Atlas Shrugged” her major fictional work, Ayn Rand brings into play Dr Thomas Hendricks, a neuro-surgeon who abandons medical practice in the name of Liberty. Through Dr Hendricks, Ayn Rand eloquently exposes the intolerable constraints a redistributive society places on the liberty of doctors and on the practice of medicine. Starting from the emblematic physician figure of Dr Hendricks with which many doctors can identify, our educational project is designed to help medical students, recent medical-school graduates and other young health care professionals explore wider aspects of Randian philosophy and of free markets, capitalism and liberty in general.

Program: Dr Hendricks International Seminars for Medical Students and Young Physicians project is currently under study. The proposed format is one of open, round table discussion sessions featuring 12-15 carefully participants including a moderator, and sparked by readings from “Atlas Shrugged” and other relevant works. These seminars would be organized at Swiss and European venues linked to Medical Schools.

If you wish to participate  in the development of this project contact: