Medicine & Liberty : Network of liberty oriented doctors

Medicine & Liberty
Sentier de la Tour-Carrée 9
CH-1800 Vevey - Switzerland
Tel & fax: 41 21 922 60 82



Our activities focus on publication of op-eds and articles related to liberty, ethics and market in medicine via our Internet platform and our editorial program. We also partner in the organization of round tables, colloquia, symposia and seminars targeted at physicians and other healthcare professionals.


  • MedECON is an educational platform designed to help  physicians and healthcare professionals understand the basics of market economy and its relevance to health care. This project  is developed in co-operation with renowned academics and professionals from relevant disciplines and with allied institutes. MedECON has also worked in promoting dual access trackways to medical innovation as developed by US economists from the experimetal economics school and other institutes. A MedECON seminar program for 2015  for young healthare professionals and medical students is presently under study in cooperation with the Liberales Institute.
  • Vox Medici the voice of Medicine & Liberty: our publications and editorial program. Liberty-minded physicians in Europe and North America will also be able to voice their opinions and concerns on crucial health care issues through. Vox Medici's video clip production & web distribution project was  conducted in co-operation with the  Association of American Physicians and Surgeons (AAPS) 
  • Doctor Hendricks Seminars - this project is designed to introduce medical students and young physicians,to the ideas on individual liberty expanded by Ayn Rand in « Atlas Shrugged », with a focus on the role of the physician and of the scientist in a free society.
  • Privamed-Pro is a MedECON educational partnership project with the New Economic School in Georgia, designed to develop a vocational training workshops and international exchanges targeted at private medical entrepreneurs and physicians in Caucasus countries.
  • MedLib-International MedLib.CH and Medicina en Libertad (MedLib.ES) partner in the development of an international network of similar liberty minded physician groups. Expansion to the US, France, UK, the Baltic states and Latin America are part of our long term objectives.


Presentation and marketing of MedLib programs at key medical meetings and congresses through scientific exhibition outlets and satellite symposia is one of our aims. We intend to do this in partnership with medical professional associations and health industries. Interested parties can contact us for more details.


We announce MedLib events as well as those of partner or allied institutes either through our Webpages or by our Newsletter.